Storyboard: figure out the “story” of your video and plan it out. Write your script and plan the sequence of events. Figure out what background images you will want to find online.
Background images. Use an iPad to search Google and find background images. Be careful to only select horizontal images. Save them to the iPad’s camera roll.
Create a new project. Open Do Ink and create a new project.
Titles & tags. Once you've created a project, use the gear icon (top right corner) to give a title. It's very important that you also tag your project with your name, teacher's last name, the month, the year: Stephanie Brown Fox January 2018
Importing backgrounds. Import the background images or videos into the bottom layer. There’s a red line that intersects the layers. This is the “playhead,” and you can drag it add seconds of time to your background (which can be adjusted later). Add a few seconds for your first background by moving the playhead forward, then you may add another background, if you wish.
Foreground images: you can also search for images that you might use in the foreground: a rock, a dollar sign, a tool, or other item that you might mention. We can make it look like this image is in your hand, on a background table, or briefly appearing on the screen (or on a TV screen).
Film your video. Please be careful not to stand on the green screen with dirty shoes. If you can, remove your shoes. Stand or sit on a chair with the green screen behind you. Use the regular iPad camera to film yourself and save to the camera roll. Keep your background images in mind. You can import multiple videos so long as the whole thing is 2-3 minutes.
Import video. In Do Ink, tap the + symbol in the middle layer, find your video, import.
Edit image/film. You will do this in Do Ink. Use the crop and drama mask tools located above the + symbols. You can crop out any distracting background, change the size of your video (make yourself bigger or smaller), and move yourself to any part of the screen. Note: you can do some editing in Do Ink, but it’s limited. If you need to cut an entire section out, it’s best to open the video in iMovie first, edit, save to camera roll, and then import to Do Ink. * Become familiar with the undo button, if you make a mistake, it’s easy to fix.
Edit backgrounds. Adjust the length of each background to match what you are saying in the video. You can trim the amount of time an image or video "plays" using the playhead. (To adjust the playhead, drag it where you want it, tap the image/video, look for editing features bottom right.)
Foreground layer. Import foreground images to the top layer in Do Ink. Edit them to delete the backrounds, move them to the right place on the screen, and adjust the length of time they appear.
Save & upload. When you’re finished with the Do Ink project, save in Do Ink to the camera roll. This creates a duplicate video that you can then upload to your Google Drive. Please return to Do Ink & delete the original project.
IMPORTANT In Do Ink, you are limited to shorter (approximately 2-3 minutes) videos with a handful of video clips. If you add to many components, the app may crash. To avoid a crash, film in one shot. *TIP remember which library device you’re using to find your project on another day. You’re invited to use your own iPad and purchase the Do Ink app for $3.99, but we highly recommend using iMovie on a Macbook. The process is simple to learn and parallel to what we’ve outlined above. See this tutorial: